Saturday, May 11, 2013

Personality Types (MBTI)

MBTI describes four dimensions of Personality Types:
(a) Extroversion versus Introversion: (The ways in which people relate to the world)
(b) Sensing versus Intuition: (Becoming aware of and perceiving information)
(c) Thinking versus feeling: (Ways of deciding and prefer to make judgments)
(d) Judging and Perception: (The amount of control exercising and organizing people)

a) Extroversion and Introversion:
This deals with whether the focus of attention is directed towards outwardly or inwardly.
Where do you prefer to focus your attention?
Extroverted attention flows outward to the world of objects and people or external ideas.
They are interacting more with people.
Characteristics associated with people who prefer Extraversion are:
· Attuned to external environment
· Prefer to communicate by talking
· Work out ideas by talking them through
· Have broad interests
· Sociable and expressive
· Readily take initiative in work and relationships
Extroverts are usually active, sociable, like variety and stimulation, and are often good speakers, sales people or public relations professionals.
Introverted attention focused on the subjective, inner world of thoughts, feelings and ideas. Introverts like quit reflection, can concentrate on one idea or thought for longer than an extrovert, and are less active and prone to change.
Characteristics associated with people who prefer Introversion are:
· Drawn to their inner world
· Prefer to communicate in writing
· Work out ideas by reflecting on them
· Learn best by reflection, mental “practice”
· Focus in depth on their interest
· Private and contained
Research scientists, academicians and librarians are often introverts.

b) Sensing Versus Intuition:
This aspect deals with the ways of collecting information and ideas.
A person with a sensing preferences focuses on the specific, practical and tangible. The sensing person relies more on the physical or material reality of the world of the five senses: touch, sight, sound, taste or smell. Sensing managers take in information through their senses and attend to the details of the problem. They like to solve problems in standard ways. They are patient with routine details and are precise in their work. They distrust creative inspirations and usually work all the way through to reach conclusions.
They emphasize action, urgency and bottom-line results.
Characteristics associated with people who prefer Sensing:
· Oriented to present realities
· Factual and concrete, precise and practical
· Focus on what is real and actual
· Observe and remember specifics
· Build carefully and thoroughly toward conclusions
· Understand ideas and theories through practical applications
· Trust experience
The sensing person is likely to provide a practical solution to problems. They may be good at repairing machines, sports, building, handicrafts, or keeping the detailed records of a business.
Sensation Feelers (SF) deal with concrete problems in a methodical way. They have astute powers of observation regarding the details of how an organization is run. SFs do not fight the system, but use what is available for problem solving. SFs are nonjudgmental of their co-workers and do not look for underlying motives and meanings in people’s behavior. If organizations do not have adequate SF’s, small problem will go unattended till they become big.
Possible Shortcomings: SF’s may be reluctant to accept new ideas and are impatient with abstract theories. They react adversely to radical changes. They have difficult honoring commitments and decision made in the past since they live full in the present moment.
This person relies more on their insights and based on that they guess, assume and draw the inferences. Ideas, associations or creative process often accompany the presence of intuition. They focus on the relationships and connections between facts. Intuition manager like solving new problems and are impatient with routine details. They perceive the problem in its totality and consider several alternatives simultaneously. They are imaginative and futuristic, enjoying mind testing games.
Characteristics associated with people who prefer Intuition:
· Oriented to future possibilities
· Imaginative and verbally creative
· Focus on the patterns and meanings in data, sees beyond the surface
· Remember specifics when they relate to pattern
· Move quickly to conclusions, follow hunches
· Want to clarify ideas and theories before putting them into practice
· Trust inspiration
The intuitive person is likely to have an affinity for music, literature, the arts, higher mathematics, and science and abstract theories. People with high level of intuition are also likely to be creative, adaptable and open to new ideas, and they are often artists, musicians, strategic players or architects.
Intuitive Thinkers (NT) are the architects of progress and ideas. They are interested in the principle on which the organization is built and seek answers to he significant events. They have enormous drive and are creative. If organizations do not have adequate number of NT’s, change will be minimal. Shortcomings of Intuitive Thinkers: Intuitive Thinkers may not always be aware of the feelings of others. Unless subordinates are intellectually competent, they may not be considered valuable. They expect a great of themselves and others and tend to escalate standards.

c) Thinking versus Feeling:
These deals with the way people make decisions.
The person with a preference for thinking tends to be objective, analytical and impersonal in decision and judgments. Thinking managers are logical and analytical in their problem solving and search for additional information in a logical manner.
Characteristics associated with people who prefer Thinking:
· Solve problem with logic,
· Use cause and effect reasoning
· Strive for an objective standard of truth
· Can be “tough-minded”
· Fair – want everyone treated equally
As this person is logical in analysis, he is good at organizing, scheduling, comparing, analyzing and quantitatively evaluating objections and activities. Sensation Thinkers (ST) are decisive and excellent at decisions involving precise interpretations of facts and figures. They are persevering and precise. They want the organization run on an impersonal basis. They are hard working and super dependable. Organizations run efficiently because of such managers.
Possible Shortcomings: STs cannot tolerate delays due to complications. In periods of rapid changes they still cling to rules and procedures which is dysfunctional. When dealing with others, STs may not accurately perceive the interpersonal process. They withhold rewards unless full deserved others.
People who use feelings to make decision are more likely to be empathetic, loyal, and appreciative and tactful. Feeling types consider the person and are likely to bend the rules if the situation warrants. Feeling managers heavily emphasize the human aspects in dealing with organizational problems and is more process oriented. They enjoy pleasing people and avoid conflicts.
Intuitive Feelers (NF) have personal charisma and commitments to the people they lead. They communicate their caring and enthusiasm. They are comfortable in an unstructured, group-centered management system that lets employees participate in the decisionmaking process. If adequate NF’s are not available in organization, an organization will become cold, sterile and dull. Possible Shortcomings; NF’s make decision on the basis of personal likes and dislikes.
They often try to please others all the time.
Characteristics associated with people who prefer Feeling:
· Empathetic
· Guided by personal values
· Assess impacts of decisions on people
· Strived for harmony and positive interactions
· Compassionate
· May appear “tenderhearted”
They like helping other people and often work as nurses, counselors and artists. They use past experiences and values and seek harmony when making judgments.

d) Judgment versus Perception
This aspect deals with the amount of control a person has over events and organizing things.
The strong Judgment oriented people tend to live in a planned, decided and orderly way, wanting to regulate their life and control events. They are given more responsibility and authority because their operating mode is stable and predictable.
Characteristics associated with people who prefer Judging:
· Scheduled
· Organize their lives
· Systematic
· Methodical
· Make short and long term plans
· Like to have things decided
· Try to avoid last-minute stresses
The person with a strong orientation for judgment will therefore be good at making decision and planning. They usually make good managers, engineers and lawyers.

Perceptive people tend to live in a flexible, spontaneous way, wanting to understand life and adapt to it. They often appear to be more relaxed and less organized than judging types and are less attracted to schedules and routines.
Characteristics associated with people who prefer Perceiving:
· Spontaneous
· Flexible
· Casual
· Open-ended
· Adapt, change course
· Like things loose and open to change
· Feel energized by last minute pressures.
The perceptive type, on the other hand, may wait until all the information and aspects of a situation are seen before they make a decision. Artists, consultants, musicians and counselors tend to be perception oriented.

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