Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDI):

An autonomous body and not-for-profit institution, set up in 1983, is sponsored by apex financial institutions, namely the IDBI Bank Ltd, IFCI Ltd. ICICI Ltd and State Bank of India (SBI). The Institute is registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 and the Public Trust Act 1950. The Government of Gujarat pledged twenty-three acres of land on which stands the majestic and sprawling EDI campus.

In consonance with this belief, EDI aims at :
  • creating a multiplier effect on opportunities for self-employment,
  • augmenting the supply of competent entrepreneurs through training,
  • augmenting the supply of entrepreneur trainer-motivators,
  • participating in institution building efforts,
  • inculcating the spirit of 'Entrepreneurship' in youth,
  • promoting micro enterprises at rural level,
  • developing and disseminating new knowledge and insights in entrepreneurial theory and practice through research,
  • facilitating corporate excellence through creating intrapreneurs (entrepreneurial managers),
  • improving managerial capabilities of small scale industries,
  • sensitising the support system to facilitate potential and existing entrepreneurs establish and manage their enterprises,
  • collaborating with similar organisations in India and other developing countries to accomplish the above objectives.
Salient Features of the National Training Policy
  • Training for all- training to be imparted to all rungs of the civil service starting from the lowest and the cutting edge to the highest in policy making. All categories of civil servants shall receive (i) Induction Training - at time of entry (ii) In service Training- suitable intervals in their career
  • Concept of 'once a trainer, always a trainer' shall be developed under which expertise developed as a trainer shall be used even after he/she returns to his/her department
  • Systematic approach to training- put in place a system suitably grounded in training theory for development of a training process
  • Training should focus on bringing right attitudinal change amongst the civil service
  • A National Training Council, headed by the Minister-in0-Charge of Personnel shall be set up for advising the Government of India on matters related to training policy, training design and programmes as well as issues concerning their implementation.
  • All organisations will designate training managers at appropriate level to develop and coordinate training programmes and monitor them.
  • All cadre Controlling Authorities shall endeavour to develop suitable infrastructure for induction and in-service training at the cutting edge and middle levels.

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