Tuesday, July 10, 2012


The creative part of advertising involves the process of selecting and presenting the messages. The business of conceiving. Writing, designing and producing these messages is called “advertising creativity” and the key wordsmith is called a copywriter or copy chief or copy supervisor. The success of advertising depends to a great extent on the quality of the message or copy of advertisement rather than the money spent on advertising. The conventional theory of advertising includes the concept of AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire and Action). 

Most of the advertisers believe that the message in advertisement copy must attract the attention and interest of the consumer if buying is to result. But they forget that only good advertisement copy or good message can attract the attention and interest of the receiver until and unless the much advertise product attributes have a strong impact on consumers. The consumers come to know the existence of the product only through the advertisement. Advertising tries to persuade the consumers that they need the product. But if the product attributes fail to satisfy the need of buyers, good creativity will not pay.

Creativity is an art. An artiste, writer, poet, novelists, play writer takes well known ideas, words and phrases and relates them in a fresh, often brilliant manner while preparing an advertising copy. They combine the product attributes and the ideas, words and phrases in such a manner that persuades the consumers to buy the product. This combination really represents and art or a creativity. A child can draw a smiling picture of a woman, but it does not carry a creative message of someworth.

The advertising copy writer writes with a purpose to achieve client’s objectives to express features or attributes of particular products and services, presented in terms of consumer benefits and in the language most appropriate to defined target audience. Thus advertising messages should present merchandise in ways that interest people in buying. Print ads and broadcast commercials portray products as problem solvers or methods whereby wants and needs may fulfilled.

When creating, copy writer builds messages according to specific plans, to fulfill specific objectives, and he should follow a disciplined way in creating them. In the words of Alfred Polite –“Advertising creativity has to follow rules which are guided by a well defined purpose, by an analysis of thoughts supplied by imagination, by a selection of the useful ones which meet the purpose.

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